about us
Learn more about our team, our history, and the passion that drives us.
A company is born
Advanced Refrigeration Inc. was founded in 1972 by Patrick and Susan Mikes. Growing up on a dairy farm located in Westminster, Colorado, Patrick was tasked with keeping the dairy refrigeration systems operating. On the family farm, Patrick discovered his exceptional mechanical ability and a love for the refrigeration trade. Patrick progressed in his refrigeration career, and ultimately opened the business with his wife, Susan. The couple operated their refrigeration service company until their retirement. Patrick and Susan cultivated a company that was built upon honesty, hard work, and an industry leading level of competence, which we’re proud to say remains true today.
second generation expansion
Gary Mikes and Tony Tarantino, the second generation of owner/operators, expanded the company’s capabilities through a “can do” attitude and a level of competence and reliability unmatched in the industry. They extended their clientele to include larger cold storage and food processing customers. Under Gary and Tony, the company found a niche in the ever increasing complexity of process refrigeration, where they thrived. Gary and Tony set a new standard with their technical abilities and seemingly infinite knowledge.
a proud tradition continues
Advanced Refrigeration Inc. continues to be family owned and operated, and is now on its third generation of owners. The company continues to strive for excellence while partnering with food processing and cold storage organizations, both big and small, and developing new refrigeration technologies. The company has extended its capabilities to include industrial refrigeration systems that use natural refrigerants. In addition, Advanced Refrigeration Inc. is making larger efforts to foster a new generation of industry leaders. The team at Advanced Refrigeration Inc. remains devoted to the same values that were paramount at the company’s founding.
Call us today for a risk-free CONSUlTATION!
Randy Mikes
Tony Tarantino
Justin Mikes
Gary Mikes